Complete Activity List
Teaching Frameworks for England & Wales 2006
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Activity Name & Description
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Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcomes:
Northern Ireland
All Talk

Understanding where speech marks and commas are placed when writing speech.
NLS Y4, T3: to identify common punctuation marks including commas and speech marks.
Y5, T2: to identify the differences between spoken and written language.
NC KS2 Writing - Punctuation 3) Pupils should be taught to used punctuation marks correctly in their writing, including full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas, inverted commas.
Writing; Punctuation and Structure; Level D: Begin to indicate speech in some way where appropriate. Key Stage 2: Writing
- Experimenting with rhymes, rhythms, verse structure and all kinds of verbal play and dialect.
- Developing increasing competence in the use of grammar and punctuation
- Appreciating some of the differences between spoken and written language.
Animal Magic

Identifying properties of animals and grouping them according to their similarities.
QCA Scheme of Work
Unit 1A Ourselves: learning objectives:
- to make and communicate observations and comparisons of humans and other animals
- to make observations and comparisons of the way animals move
- to make observations of animals and use these to group them explaning criteria chosen
Unit 2C Variation: learning objectives:
- to observe and recognise some simple characteristics of animals and plants
Humans and other animals 2a) to recognise and compare the main external parts of the bodies of humans and animals
Variation and classification 4b) Pupils should be taught to group living things according to observable differences and similarities.
Variety and characteristic features; Level A; Sort things into broad groups according to easily observable characteristics. Foundation Stage:
- Observing: Children should have opportunities to develop their powers of observation using their senses in a range of purposeful activities throughout the school day e.g: to identify similarities and differences.
- Investigating: Sorting and Classifying: Children should have opportunities to talk about similarities and differences in e.g animals and plants.
Key Stage 1:
My Environment: Pupils should investigate in an active way aspects of the following: animals and their young, their habitat and how they are affected by seasonal change.
Busy Bill

Sorting between different size stones and choosing the ones that can fit into the bottle.
(NNS) Sort and match objects. Level A: Organise by sorting into specific sets (shape, colour, texture) Foundation Stage
- sort for one criterion using one-property materials and talk about the sorting.
- compare two objects for size/length/weight/capacity
- understand and begin to use the language of comparison
Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
Handling Data:
- sort and classify objects for one or two criteria
Catch the Numbers!

Help Piska and Pod catch the numbers in the 2,3,4,5 or 10 times table in their net.
NNS -Y3: Rapid recall of multiplication facts 53: Begin to know the 3 and 4 times tables. Y4: Know by heart multiplication facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times-tables.
NC - KS2: Mental methods f) Recall multiplication facts to 10x10.
Level B: Multiply and divide mentally be 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, within the confines of these tables. Key Stage 1 Number:
- know addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
Cave escape!

Steer your submarine up through a tunnel and find the correct spellings as you go.
T1, W4: To discriminate and segment all three phonemes in CVC words; T2, W3: to segment clusters in to phonemes for spelling; T3, W1: the common spelling patterns for each of the long vowel phonemes: ee, ai, ie, oa, oo; W5: to recognise words by common spelling patterns.
NC English KS1
Writing: Spelling 4b: use their knowledge of sound-symbol relationship and phonological patterns; 4c: recognise and use simple spelling patterns.
Writing: Spelling: Level A:
Spell accurately the words which they need to use most commonly.
KS1: Writing:
h: spell recognisable words based on an awareness of the most common letter strings and patterns
Crack the Code (prime numbers)

Practising identifying prime numbers from 1-100 using a number grid.
NNS 16-21: Properties of numbers and number sequences.
Y6, 21: Recognise prime numbers up to at least 20.
Number, money and measurement: Multiply and divide: Level D: mentally for whole numbers by single digits. Level E: mentally for any whole number by a multiple of 10 or 100. Key Stage 2
- plan and organise their work, learning to work systematically
- develop a range of strategies for problem solving, looking for ways to overcome difficulties
- develop strategies to add and subtract mentally; know the multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
- explore and predict patterns and sequences of whole numbers; follow and devise rules for generating sequences
Crack the Code (x6)

Crack the Code (x7)

Crack the Code (x8)

Crack the Code (x9)

Practising the 6, 7, 8 and 9 times table by making patterns on a number grid.
NNS Y4, 58-59: Rapid recall of multiplication facts - Begin to know multiplication facts for 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables.
Y5, 59: Know by heart all multiplication facts up to 10x10.
Y6, 59: Consolidate knowing by heart: multiplication facts up to 10x10. NC - KS1 - mental methods f): Recall multiplication facts to 10x10.
Multiply and divide: Level C: mentally within the confines of all tables to 10. Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- begin to organise their own work and work systematically
- understand mathematical language and be able to use it to talk about their work
- explain their way of working
- know addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
- explore patterns in number tables
Key Stage 2
- plan and organise their work, learning to work systematically
- develop a range of strategies for problem solving, looking for ways to overcome difficulties
- develop strategies to add and subtract mentally; know the multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
- explore and predict patterns and sequences of whole numbers; follow and devise rules for generating sequences
Cross the quicksand

Answer 2 and 5 times table questions as you navigate through the dangerous quicksand.
Rapid recall of multiplication and division facts 52-53: Know by heart multiplication facts for the 2 and 10 times tables; begin to know multiplication facts for the 5 times table.
Know by heart multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
NC KS1 Maths:
Know multiplication facts for the x2 and x10 multiplication tables.
Number, money and measurement: Multiply & Divide: Level B:
Multiply and divide mentally by 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 within the confines of these tables.
Mathematics: KS1:
Operations and their applications: Know multiplication tables relating to the 2s, 5s, 10s and other tables as appropriate.
Down on the Farm (1)

Down on the Farm (3)

Practising simple counting to 5.

Practising simple counting to 10.
(NNS/ ELG) Count reliably up to 10 everyday objects (first to 5). (3-5 Framework)
- understand and use mathematical processes such as matching, sorting, grouping, counting and measuring.
- apply these processes in solving mathematical problems.
- identify and use numbers up to ten during play activities and counting games.
(5-14 Guidelines)
Level A: Work with whole numbers 0 to 20
Foundation Stage: Number
Counting and Number Recognition:
- Count forwards from 1 and from different starting points using numbers appropriate to the children.
- Recognise numerals, initially up to 5/10
Understanding Number (Cardinal Number)
- count objects in the course of the day
- develop an understanding of one-to-one correspondence and know that the size of a set is given by the last number in the count.
- match numerals to sets
Key Stage 1: Processes
- Select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
Key Stage 1: Number
- Count, read, write and order whole numbers initially up to 10
Down on the Farm (2)

Down on the Farm (4)

Practising simple counting & sorting to 5.

Practising simple counting & sorting to 5.
(NNS/ ELG) Count reliably up to 10 everyday objects (first to 5).
(NNS) Sort and match objects.
(3-5 Framework)
- sort and categorise things into groups.
- understand and use mathematical processes such as matching, sorting, grouping, counting and measuring.
- apply these processes in solving mathematical problems.
- identify and use numbers up to ten during play activities and counting games.
(5-14 Guidelines)
Level A: work with whole numbers 0 to 20
Foundation Stage: Sorting
- Sort for one criterion using one-property materials and talk about the sorting.
Foundation Stage: Number
Counting and Number Recognition:
- Count forwards from 1 and from different starting points using numbers appropriate to the children.
- Recognise numerals, initially up to 5/10
Understanding Number (Cardinal Number)
- count objects in the course of the day
- develop an understanding of one-to-one correspondence and know that the size of a set is given by the last number in the count.
- match numerals to sets
Key Stage 1: Processes
- Select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
Key Stage 1: Number
- Count, read, write and order whole numbers initially up to 10
Find the Fish! - addition to 10

Click on the correct fish to complete the addition sum / subtraction sum
NNS: Y1: Calculations 30: Know by heart all pairs of numbers with a total of 10
Y2: Calcuations 31: Know by heart all addition and subtraction facts for each number to at least 10
NC - KS1: Ma2 Number: Calculations 3c: Know addition and subtraction facts to 10.
Number, money and measurement; Add and subtract; Level A: Add and subtract mentally for numbers 0 to 10 Key Stage 1: Number: Operations and their applications c: know addition and subtraction facts, initially to 10 and then to 20.
Find the Sun

Exploring how shadows work by identifying where the sun is in relation to the type of shadow.
QCA Scheme of Work: Unit 3F Light and shadows: learning objectives:
- that shadows are formed when objects block light from the Sun
- that shadows are similar in shape to the objects forming them
- that shadows of objects in sunlight change over the course of the day
- to make and observe observations of shadows and try to explain these using knowledge about light
- that shadows change in length and position throughout the day
- that the Sun appears highest in the sky at midday
- that the higher the Sun appears in the sky the shorter the shadow
- that shadows can be used to tell the approximate time of day
NC - KS2:
How the position of the sun appears to change throughout the day and affects the appearance of shadows.
Earth in space: Level A - Link the pattern of day and night to the position of the Sun.
Energy and forces: Properties and uses of energy: Level C: Link light to shadow formation.
Key Stage 2:
An Ever-Changing World: Sound and Light: How shadows are formed and changed.
Fire the Fractions!

Recognising how fractions, decimals and percentages can be comparable and identifying the values which are more/less than a half, a quarter, three quarters and so on.
NNS Y5; 22-23 Fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio and proportion 33: Express one half, one quarter, three quarters and tenths and hundredths, as percentages.
Y6; 31: Recognise the equivalence between the decimal and fraction forms of one half, one quarter, three quarters, one eighth and tenths, hundreds and thousandths.
NC - KS2: Fractions, percentages and ratio f) Recognise the equivalence between the decimal and fraction forms of one half, quarters, tenths and hundredths; understand that 'percentage' means the numbers of parts per 100 and that it can be used for comparisons.
Fractions, percentages and ratio: Level D: Work with simple fractions and percentages. Key Stage 2
- take increasing responsibility for selecting and using the materials and the mathematics required for their work
- develop a range of strategies for problem solving, looking for ways to overcome difficulties
- understand mathematical language and use it to discuss their work and explain their thinking
- compare their ideas and methods of working with others
- understand and use vulgar fractions, decimal fractions and percentages and explore the relationships between them.
Fraction bubbles

Recognising how simple fractions can be represented as shapes.
NNS 20-23 Fractions: Y2: Begin to recognise and find one half and one quarter of shapes and small numbers of objects.
Y3: Recognise unit fractions and use them to find fractions of shapes and numbers.
NC - KS1: Calculations b) Understand that halving is the inverse of doubling and find one half and one quarter of shapes and small numbers of objects.
KS2: Fractions, percentages and ratio d) understand unit fractions... and use them to find fractions of shapes and quantities.
Level B: Find halves and quarters of quantities...
Level C: Find simple fractions (1/3, 1/5, 1/10) of quantities...
Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- understand mathematical language and be able to use it to talk about their work
- explain their way of working
- recognise and use everyday fractions
Hair Care Chaos (2 and 5)

Using times tables and venn diagrams to sort different objects.
NNS Y3: Organising and handling data - to solve a problem by organising numerical data into given tables e.g venn diagrams.
Y3: Rapid recall of multiplication facts - Know by heart multiplication facts for 2, 5 and 10 times-tables.
NC - KS2
Mental methods f): Recall multiplication facts to 10x10 and use them to derive the corresponding division facts.
Processing, representing and interpreting data c): Represent and interpret data using graphs and diagrams.
Level B: Multiply and divide: mentally by 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, within the confines of these tables.
Level B: Display: by using tables, charts or diagrams.
Key Stage 1:
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- begin to organise their own work and work systematically
- understand mathematical language and be able to use it to talk about their work
- explain their way of working
- know addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
Handling Data:
- sort and classify objects for one or two criteria and represent results using Venn, Carroll and Tree diagrams.
Key Stage 2:
- plan and organise their work, learning to work systematically
- develop a range of strategies for problem solving, looking for ways to overcome difficulties
- develop strategies to add and subtract mentally; know the multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
Hair Care Chaos (3 and 4)

Hair Care Chaos (3 and 5)

Using times tables and Venn diagrams to sort different objects.
derive quickly the corresponding division facts.
Processing, representing and interpreting data c): Represent and interpret data using graphs and diagrams.
Level B: Multiply and divide: mentally by 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 within the confines of these tables.
Level B: Display: By using tables, charts or diagrams.
Key Stage 1:
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- begin to organise their own work and work systematically
- understand mathematical language and be able to use work systematically - develop a range of strategies for problem solving, looking for ways to overcome difficulties Number: - develop strategies to add and subtract mentally; know the multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
Hey Diddle Diddle

Listening to and reading a well known nursery rhyme and identifying the missing rhymes.
NLS Reception, W1: To understand and be able to rhyme through: recognising, exploring and working with rhyming patterns e.g learning nursery rhymes; to re-read and recite stories and rhymes with predictable and repeated patterns; reading a wide range of traditional nursery rhymes.
NLS Y1, T1: text level 6: to recite stories and rhymes with predictable and repeating patterns, extemporising on patterns orally by substituting words and phrases, extending patterns and playing with rhyme.
ELG Listen to favourite nursery rhymes, stories and songs. Join in with repeated refrains, anticipating key events and important phrases.
(3-5 Framework)
Communication and language:
- Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, songs, music, rhymes and other poetry.
- Listen and respond to the sounds and rhythm of words in stories, songs, music and rhymes.
- Recognise the link between the written and spoken word.
(5-14 Guidelines)
Level A: Read for enjoyment simple stories and poems supported by pictures.
Foundation Stage: Talking and Listening:
- Listening and Responding:Children should have the opportunities to listen and respond to a wide range of stories, songs, poems including audio tapes and writing of other children.
- Listening and Remembering: Children should have the opportunities to learn rhymes, number rhymes etc.
- Developing an awareness of sounds: Children should have opportunities to develop an awareness of rhyming words.
Key Stage 1: Reading
- Engaging with a range of texts which include stories, poems, songs, nursery rhymes, plays, picture books, information materials, environmental print, audio and audio-visual materials and discussing them with teacher and others.
- Reading and understanding a range of texts which can be read aloud, including those presented on CD-ROM, tape, radio or television, the internet and other sources.
Home Sweet Home

Using scientific evidence to explain why animals live where they do.
QCA Scheme of Work: Unit 4B Habitats: learning objectives:
All objectives in this unit, save those relating to food chains, selections of evidence, and environmental protection.
Unit 6A Interdependence and adaptation: learning objectives:
- that different animals and plants are found in different habitats
- how animals and plants in a second habitat are suited to their environment.
NC - KS2:
Sc1: Investigative skills;
Sc2: Living things, living things in their environment
Interaction of living things and their environments; Level D; Give examples of how plants and animals are suited to their environments.
Variety and characteristic features; Level E; Create and use keys to identify living things.
Key Stage 1:
- My Environment: Animals and their young, their habitat and how they are affected by seasonal change; How animals move, grow and feed.
- A Contrasting Environment: Similarities between this and my environment, e.g plants and animals associated with this environment.
Key Stage 2:
- The Way We Live: Plant & Animal Life: Investigate a local habitat, including the relationship between the animals and plants in classifying according to observable features.
Hubble Bubble (x2)

Hubble Bubble (x5)

Hubble Bubble (x10)

Practising making number patterns in a grid using the 2, 5 and 10 times table.
NNS - Y2: Counting, properties of numbers and number sequences 7: Begin to recognise two digit multiples of 2, 5 or 10.
Y2: Rapid recall of multiplication facts 53: Know by heart multiplication facts for the 2 and 10 times-tables.
NC - KS1
Number patterns and sequences b) Create and describe number patterns; explore and record patterns of multiples of 2, 5 and 10 explaining the patterns and using them to make predictions.
Mental methods c) know multiplication facts for the 2 and 10 times-tables.
Level B: Multiply and divide mentally by 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 within the confines of these tables.
Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- begin to organise their own work and work systematically
- understand mathematical language and be able to use it to talk about their work
- explain their way of working
- know addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
- explore patterns in number tables
Key Stage 2
- plan and organise their work, learning to work systematically
- develop a range of strategies for problem solving, looking for ways to overcome difficulties
- develop strategies to add and subtract mentally; know the multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
- explore and predict patterns and sequences of whole numbers; follow and devise rules for generating sequences
Hubble Bubble (x3)

Hubble Bubble (x4)

Practising making number patterns in a grid using the 3 or 4 times table.
NNS -Y3: Rapid recall of multiplication facts 53: Begin to know the 3 and 4 times-tables. Y4: 58: Know by heart multiplication facts for the2,3,4,5 and 10 times-tables.
NC - KS2: Mental methods f) Recall multiplication facts to 10x10.
Level B: Multiply and divide mentally by 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, within the confines of these tables. Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- begin to organise their own work and work systematically
- understand mathematical language and be able to use it to talk about their work
- explain their way of working
- know addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
- explore patterns in number tables
Key Stage 2
- plan and organise their work, learning to work systematically
- develop a range of strategies for problem solving, looking for ways to overcome difficulties
- develop strategies to add and subtract mentally; know the multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
- explore and predict patterns and sequences of whole numbers; follow and devise rules for generating sequences
Hungry Croc

Identifying and matching pairs of pictures in a well known pelmanism game.
NNS Reception: Sort and match objects. (3-5 Framework)
- recognise patterns, shapes and colours in the world around them.
- understand and use mathematical processes such as matching, sorting, grouping, counting and measuring.
- apply these processes in solving mathematical problems.
(5-14 Guidelines)
Level A: Organise by sorting into specific sets (shape, colour, texture)
Foundation Stage:
Patterns & Relationships: Match objects in real contexts.
It's a goal!

Choosing the appropriate vowel to correctly spell simple CVC words.
ELG Communication, Language and Literacy - hear and say initial and final sounds in words and short vowel sounds within words.
NLS Reception: W2: reading letter(s) that represent(s) the sounds a-z; identifying and writing dominant phonemes in spoken words.
Y1,T1: W3: From YR to practise and secure the ability to hear initial and final phonemes in CVC words e.g fit, mat, pan. W4: to discriminate and segment all three phonemes in CVC words.
NC KS1: En2 Reading: 1a hear, identify, segment and blend phonemes in words. En3 Writing 4b use their knowledge of sound-symbol relationships and phonological patterns
(3-5 Framework)
- Recognise the link between the written and spoken word.
- Develop an awareness of letter names and sounds in the context of play experiences.
- Recognise some familiar words and letters, for example the initial letter in their name.
(5-14 Guidelines)
Writing: Level A: Spelling - spell accurately the words which are used most commonly.
Foundation Stage: Talking and Listening
- Developing an Awareness of Sounds: Children have opportunities to develop an awareness of sounds within words, and short vowel sounds.
Key Stage 1:
- Reading: Recognising and noticing how words are constructed and spelled.
- Writing: Experimenting with words e.g word games, riddles and rhymes; Spelling correctly a range of familiar, important and regularly occuring words.
It's a wind up!

Practising changing the time on an analogue clock with reference to a digital clock.
NNS Measures, shapes and space 78 Y1: Read the time to the hour and half hour on analogue clocks.
Y2: Read the time to the hour, half hour or quarter hour on an analogue clock and a 12-hour digital clock, and understand the notation 7:30.
Y3: Read the time to 5 minutes on an analogue clock and a 12-hour digital clock, and use the notation 9:40.
NC KS2: Understanding measures d) Read the time from analogue and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks; use units of time - seconds, minutes, hours...
Time: Level A: Tell the time in whole hours using digital and analogue displays.
Level B: Tell time in analogue displays and the terms quarter past/to, half past.
Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- understand mathematical language and be able to use it to talk about their work
- explain their way of working
- recognise times on the analogue clocks and digital displays
Key Stage 2
- take increasing responsibility for selecting and using the materials and the mathematics required for their work
- understand mathematical language and use it to discuss their work and explain their thinking
- recognise times on the analogue and digital clocks and understand the relationship between the 12 and 24 hour clocks
Juggle the Bs

Juggle the Cs

Juggle the Ds

Juggle the Js

Juggle the Ms

Juggle the Ss

Ordering a list of names alphabetically, all beginning with B, C, D, J, M or S.
NLS Y3, T2, W23: To organise words or information alphabetically, using the first two letters.
NC KS2: Reading: Spelling strategies e) to check their spelling using word banks, dictionaries and spellcheckers.
Knowledge about language: Levels B & C: Understand and use a dictionary. Key Stage 2:
- Discussing features of language and noting how words are spelled and constructed.
- Using the library and other resources, making effective use of organisational information to locate, select, evaluate and communicate information relevant for a particular task.
- Experimenting with rhymes, rhythms, verse structure and all kinds of verbal play and dialect.
- Writing creatively using imaginative language.

Choosing the correct vowel(s) to correctly spell simple words which contain long vowel sounds.
NLS Y1, T3, W1: the common spelling patterns for each of the long vowel phonemes: ee, ai, ie, oa, oo
NC KS1: Reading: Phonemic awareness and phonic knowledge e) recognise that the same sounds may have different spellings and that the same spellings may relate to different sounds.
Word recognition and graphic knowledge f) read on sight high-frequency words and other familiar words.
Writing: Spelling: Level A: Spell accurately words which are used most commonly. Foundation Stage: Talking and Listening
- Developing an Awareness of Sounds: Children have opportunities to develop an awareness of sounds within words, and short vowel sounds.
Key Stage 1:
- Reading: Recognising and noticing how words are constructed and spelled.
- Writing: Experimenting with words e.g word games, riddles and rhymes; Spelling correctly a range of familiar, important and regularly occuring words.
Ladybird, ladybird

Sort the ladybirds on the right leaves according to their colour, size, and number of spots.
ELG) Use developing mathematical ideas and methods to solve practical problems.
NNS Reception: Sort and match objects.
Y1: Organising and using data 90-93: Solve a given problem by sorting, classifying and organising information in simple ways, such as using objects or pictures.
(3-5 Framework)
- sort and categorise things into groups.
- understand and use mathematical processes such as matching, sorting, grouping, counting and measuring.
- apply these processes in solving mathematical problems.
(5-14 Guidelines)
Level A: Organise by sorting into specific sets (shape, colour, texture).
Foundation Stage:
- sort for one criterion using one-property materials and talk about the sorting.
- sort for one criterion using two-property materials. Re-sort for the second criterion and explain their work.
Number: Counting and Number Recognition:
- count forwards from 1 and from different starting points using numbers appropriate to the children.
- compare two objects for size/length/weight/capacity
- understand and begin to use the language of comparison
Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
Handling Data:
- sort and classify objects for one or two criteria.
Letter Bubbles

Recognising the difference between vowels and consonants in a fast paced game.
NLS Y2, T1, W8: to secure understanding and use of the terms 'vowel' and consonant'.
NC KS1: Phonemic awareness and phonic knowledge b) sound and name the letters of the alphabet
Writing; Knowledge about language; Level B
Show that they know, understand and can use at least the following terms: letter.
Foundation Stage: Talking and Listening
- Developing an Awareness of Sounds: Children should have opportunities to begin to develop an awareness of sounds within words, and short vowel sounds.
Key Stage 1: Reading
- Recognising and noticing how words are constructed and spelled.
Letter spinner

Matching pictures of everyday objects with the initial letter for each object's name.
ELG Hear and say initial and final sounds in words, and short vowel sounds within words.
NLS Reception: Word level 2: Knowledge of grapheme/ phoneme correspondences through hearing and identifying initial sounds in words.
Word level 3: Sounding and naming each letter of the alphabet;
Y1, T1: word level 2: to practice and secure alphabetic letter knowledge; word level 3: to practice and secure the ability to hear initial phonemes.
NC KS1: Phonemic awareness and phonic knowledge b) Sound and name the letters of the alphabet.
(3-5 Framework)
- Recognise the link between the written and spoken word.
- Develop an awareness of letter names and sounds in the context of play experiences.
- Recognise some familiar words and letters, for example the initial letter in their name.
(5-14 Guidelines)
Level A: Spelling: Pupils should be given an interest in words, how they sound, how they are made, and the patterns within them.
Foundation Stage: Talking and Listening
- Developing an Awareness of Sounds: Children should have opportunities to begin to develop an awareness of sounds within words, and short vowel sounds.
Key Stage 1: Reading
- Recognising and noticing how words are constructed and spelled.
Little Miss Muffet

Listening to and reading a well known nursery rhyme and identifying the missing rhymes.
ELG Listen to favourite nursery rhymes, stories and songs. Join in with repeated refrains, anticipating key events and important phrases.
NLS Reception, W1: To understand and be able to rhyme through: recognising, exploring and working with rhyming patterns e.g learning nursery rhymes; to re-read and recite stories and rhymes with predictable and repeated patterns; reading a wide range of traditional nursery rhymes.
Y1, T1: text level 6: to recite stories, and rhymes with predictable and repeating patterns, extemporising on patterns orally by substituting words and phrases, extending patterns and playing with rhyme.
(3-5 Framework)
Communication and language:
- Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, songs, music, rhymes and other poetry.
- Listen and respond to the sounds and rhythm of words in stories, songs, music and rhymes.
- Recognise the link between the written and spoken word.
(5-14 Guidelines)
Level A: Read for enjoyment simple stories and poems supported by pictures.
Foundation Stage: Talking and Listening:
- Listening & Responding:Children should have the opportunities to listen and respond to a wide range of stories, songs, poems including audio tapes and writing of other children.
- Listening & Remembering: Children should have the opportunities to learn rhymes, number rhymes etc.
- Developing an awareness of sounds: Children should have opportunities to develop an awareness of rhyming words.
Key Stage 1: Reading
- Engaging with a range of texts which include stories, poems, songs, nursery rhymes, plays, picture books, information materials, environmental print, audio and audio-visual materials and discussing them with teacher and others.
- Reading and understanding a range of texts which can be read aloud, inlcuding those presented on CD-ROM, tape, radio or television, the internet and other sources.
Magic maths

Doing simple addition sums.
NNS Y1: Calculations: Understanding addition 24,28: Begin to recognise that addition can be done in any order. Begin to use the + and = signs to record mental calculations in a number sentence, and recognise the use of symbols to stand for an unknown number.
Y1: Rapid recall of addition facts 30: Know by heart all pairs of numbers with a total of 10 (e.g 3+7)
NC - KS1 Mental methods c) Know addition and subtraction facts to 10; Know doubles of numbers to 10.
Level A: Add and subtract mentally for numbers 0 to 10
Functions and Equations: Level B: Find the missing numbers in statements where symbols are used for unknown numbers or operators.
Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- explain their way of working
- understand the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (without remainders) and use them to solve problems
- know addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
- understand the commutative property of addition and the relationship between addition and subtraction
- understand the use of a symbol for an unknown number
Magic measuring (Level 1)

This activity is the first of four levels which practise measuring the weight, length or volume of different ingredients to create a magic potion. Create and save your own versions too.
Measures 73, 75: estimate, measure and compare lengths, masses and capacities, using standard units (m, cm, kg, litre); suggest suitable units and equipment for such measurements.
Understanding measures 4c: estimate, measure and weigh objects; choose and use simple measuring instruments, reading and interpreting numbers, and scales to the nearest division.
Number, money and measurement; measure and estimate; Level B
Measure in easily handled standard units and fractions of them; length - m, cm; weight - kg, g; Use the abbreviations m, cm and equivalences.
Mathematics: Key Stage 1: Measures: Pupils should have opportunities to:
c) know the most commonly used units in length, weight and capacity, including metres, kilograms, litres and use them to measure in purposeful contexts; progress to measuring with greater accuracy.
g) choose and use simple measuring instruments, reading and interpreting them with some accuracy.
Magic measuring (Level 2)

This activity is the second of four levels which practise measuring weight, length and volume with a range of ingredients to create a magic potion. You can create and save your own versions too.
NNS: Y3: Measures: Measure and compare using standard units (km, m, cm, kg, g, l, ml)
Measure scales to the nearest division.
NC - KS2: Ma3 4b: choose and use suitable measuring instruments for a task; interpret numbers and read scales with increasing accuracy.
Mathematics 5-14: Number, Money and Measurement: Measure and Estimate: Level C: Measure in standard units: Read scales on measuring devices to the nearest graduation, where the value of an intermediate graduation may need to be deduced. Mathematics: Key Stage 2: Measures: Pupils should have opportunities to:
a) develop skills in estimation of length, weight, volume/capacity through practical activities using metric units where appropriate.
b) develop the language associated with a wider range of metric units and be confident with the terms metre, gram, and litre and their relevant prefixes [...]
Magic measuring (Level 3)

This activity is the third of four levels which practise measuring the weight, length or volume of ingredients in a magic potion. You can create and save your own versions too.
Measures 90: Use, read and write standard metric units (km, m, cm, mm, kg, g, l, ml), including their abbreviations; Suggest suitable units and measuring equipment to estimate length, mass or capacity; Record estimates and readings from scales to a suitable degree of accuracy.
Understanding measures 4a: recognise the need for standard units of length, mass and capacity, choose which ones are suitable for a task, and use them to make sensible estimates in everyday situations; convert one metric unit to another.
Mathematics 5-14: Number, Money and Measurement: Measure and Estimate: Level C: Measure in standard units: Read scales on measuring devices to the nearest graduation, where the value of an intermediate graduation may need to be deduced. Mathematics: Key Stage 2: Measures: Pupils should have opportunities to:
a) develop skills in estimation of length, weight, volume/capacity through practical activities using metric units where appropriate.
b) develop the language associated with a wider range of metric units and be confident with the terms metre, gram, and litre and their relevant prefixes [...]
Magic Measuring (Level 4)

This activity is the last and most advanced of four levels which practise measuring the weight, length and volume of different ingredients in a magic potion. This level also focuses on how measurements correspond - e.g. If a ruler is marked in m can you measure something in cm.
NNS Y5 & Y6:
Measures 91: Use, read and write standard metric units (km, m, cm, mm, kg, g, l, ml), including their abbreviations and relationships between them. Comvert larger to smaller units (e.g km to m, m to cm, kg to g, l to ml); Suggest suitable units and measuring equipment to estimate or measure length, mass or capacity.
Understanding measures 4a: recognise the need for standard units of length, mass and capacity, choose which ones are suitable for a task, and use them to make sensible estimates in everyday situations; convert one metric unit to another.
Mathematics 5-14: Number, Money and Measurement: Measure and Estimate: Level C: Measure in standard units: Read scales on measuring devices to the nearest graduation, where the value of an intermediate graduation may need to be deduced. Mathematics: Key Stage 2: Measures: Pupils should have opportunities to:
e) understand the relationship between units; convert from one metric unit to another.
Match the Word

Listen to a word, then choose the correct written version on the screen.
NLS: Y1, T2, W6: to read on site approx. 30 more high frequency words from Appendix List 1.
NC KS1 - En2 Reading 1f: read on sight high frequency words and other familiar words.
English Language 5-14: Reading: Level A English Language 5-14: Listening: Level A Key Stage 1: English: Reading: ...pupils should develop the activity to... b) build up a sight vocabulary
Mirror, mirror

Using carroll diagrams to sort different shaped objects.
NNS Y2: Shape and Space: Sort shapes and describe some of their features such as the number of sides and corners; Organising and handling data: to solve a problem by sorting, classifying and organising information.
Y3: Shape and Space: Identify and sketch lines of symmetry in simple shapes; Organising and handling data: to solve a problem by sorting and classifying using Venn and Carroll diagrams
NC corners, sides, angles.
Level D: Organise by using diagrams or tables.
Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- begin to organise their own work andferent ways
More or Less

Practise comparing and ordering numbers to 10 on a number track.
Place value and ordering:
10: Understand and use the vocabulary of comparing andr line.
Number, money and measurement:
Range and type of numbers: Level A:
Work with whole numbers 0 to 20 (count, order...)
Maths KS1: Number:
Understanding number and number rotation b)
b) Read, write and order whole numbers, initially to 10; use the knowledge that the position of a digit indicates its value.
Myrtle's Maze

Practising using left/right and other directions to direct the turtle round the maze.
ELG Use everyday words to describe position, direction and movement.
NNS Y1: Shape and space 86,88: Use everyday language to describe position, direction and movement.
NC: Pupils should be taught to observe, visualise and describe positions, directions and movements using common words.
Level A: Discuss position and movement: Move forwards, backwards, right, left: Use a programmable toy or computer turtle graphics. Foundation Stage: Shape and Space:
- explore movement through using programmable devices
- understand and use a range of positional words
Key Stage 1:
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task.
- develop different approaches to problem solving.
Shape and Space:
- use programmable devices to explore movement and direction.
Noughts and crosses

Play against a friend or the computer in this familiar game.
NNS Y1 & Y2:
Shape and space 87-89: Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement.
Reasoning about numbers or shapes 63: Solve mathematical problems or puzzles, recognise simple patterns and relationships...
Shape, space and measures 1e: Recognise simple spatial patterns and relationships and make predictions about them.
Numberns, Relationships & Sequences in Number: - copy, continue and devise repeating patterns
On the Loose! (2 and 5)

On the Loose! (3 and 4)

On the Loose! (3 and 5)

On the Loose! (4 and 5)

Using a Venn diagram to sort numbers by whether they are divisible by 2 or 5.

Using a Venn diagram to sort numbers by whether they are divisible by 3 or 4.

Using a Venn diagram to sort numbers by whether they are divisible by 3 or 5.

Using a Venn diagram to sort numbers by whether they are divisible by 4 or 5.
NNS 16-21: Properties of numbers and number sequences
Y4, 18: Recognise multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10.
Y5, 19: Know and apply tests of divisibility by 2, 4, 5, 10.
114-117: Organising and interpreting data.
Y4: Venn and Carroll diagrams.
NC - KS2: Mental methods f): Recall multiplication facts to 10x10 and use them to derive quickly the corresponding division facts.
Processing, representing and interpreting data c): Represent and interpret data using graphs and diagrams.
Multiply and divide: mentally by 2, 3, 4, 5 ahd 10 within the confines of these tables. Key Stage 1:
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- begin to organise their own work and work systematically
- understand mathematical language and be able to use it to talk about their work
- explain their way of working
- know addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
Handling Data:
- sort and classify objects for one or two criteria and represent results using Venn, Carroll and Tree diagrams.
Key Stage 2:
- plan and organise their work, learning to work systematically
- develop a range of strategies for problem solving, looking for ways to overcome difficulties
- develop strategies to add and subtract mentally; know the multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
On the Loose! (6 and 7)

Using a Venn diagram to sort out numbers which are divisible by 6 and 7.
NNS 16-21: Properties of numbers and number sequences
Y5, 19: Recognise multiples of 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Y6, 19: Recognise multiples up to 10x10.
112-117: Organising and interpreting data
Y5: Representing data in diagrams.
NC - KS2 Mental methods f): Recall multiplication facts to 10x10 and use them to derive quickly the corresponding division facts.
Processing and representing data c) represent and interpret data using graphs and diagrams.
Multiply and divide: mentally within the confines of all tables to 10. Key Stage 1:
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- begin to organise their own work and work systematically
- understand mathematical language and be able to use it to talk about their work
- explain their way of working
- know addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
Handling Data:
- sort and classify objects for one or two criteria and represent results using Venn, Carroll and Tree diagrams.
Key Stage 2:
- plan and organise their work, learning to work systematically
- develop a range of strategies for problem solving, looking for ways to overcome difficulties
- develop strategies to add and subtract mentally; know the multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
Open the safe

Spell familliar words for colours, days, months and numbers in a fun hangman style game.
NLS Y1 & Y2:
Word recognition, graphic knowledge and spelling 4-5: to read on sight and spell approximately 30 or more words from appendix list 1.
NC KS1 English: Spelling 4e: spell common words.
Writing: Spelling: Level A/B:
A bank of the most commonly used functional words should be built for pupils to used for spelling.
English KS1:
Writing: Expected outcomes i) spell, recognisably, a range of familiar, important and regularly occuring words.
Order the days

Put the days of the week in order.
Measures, shape and space 78: Know the days of the week and the seasons of the year.
Understanding measures 4a: Put familiar events in chronological order.
Number, money and measurement; Time; Level A:
Work with time: place events in time sequences (days of the week, seasons)
Key Stage 1
- sequence everyday events; know the time within a day is comprised of morning, afternoon, evening and night; know the days of the week, months of the year and seasons; explore calendar patterns.
Order the instructions

Sequence a set of instructions.
NLS Y2 T1 T4: to understand time and sequential relationships in stories, i.e. what happened when.
Y2 T1 T13: to read simple written instructions in the classroom...
Y2 T1 T16: to use models from reading to organise instructions sequentially...
NCKS1: En2 Reading 1m: use knowledge of book conventions, structure, sequence... 2a: use the organisational features of non-fiction texts.
English Language: Reading: Reading to reflect on the writer's ideas and craft: Level B: Read straightforward texts and in discussion and writing show that they understand the main ideas.
Order the recount

Sequence text extracts into a recount (an everyday non-fiction story).
T4: to understand time and sequential relationships in stories, i.e. what happened when.
T3: to be aware of the difference between spoken and written language through comparing oral recounts with text; make use of formal elements in re-telling;
En2 Reading 3b: use their knowledge of sequence and story language when they are retelling stories and predicting events; En3 Writing 1b: sequence events and recount them in appropriate detail.
English Language: Reading: Reading to reflect on the writer's ideas and craft: Level B:
Read straightforward texts and in discussion and writing show that they understand the main ideas.
Order the seasons

Place the four seasons in order.
Measures, shape and space 78: Know the days of the week and the seasons of the year.
Understanding measures 4a: Put familiar events in chronological order.
Number, money and measurement; Time; Level A:
Work with time: place events in time sequences (days of the week, seasons)
Key Stage 1
- sequence everyday events; know the time within a day is comprised of morning, afternoon, evening and night; know the days of the week, months of the year and seasons; explore calendar patterns.
Order the stories

Put the text extracts of a familiar story in order.
T4: to understand time and sequential relationships in stories, i.e. what happened when; T3: to be aware of the difference between spoken and written language through comparing oral recounts with text; make use of formal elements in re-telling;
En2 Reading 3b: use their knowledge of sequence and story language when they are retelling stories and predicting events; En3 Writing 1b: sequence events and recount them in appropriate detail.
English Language: Reading: Reading to reflect on the writer's ideas and craft: Level B:
Read straightforward texts and in discussion and writing show that they understand the main ideas.
Past Tense Pairs

A matching pairs game with present and past forms of words.
NLS Y2 T3 S3: to use standard forms of words in speaking and writing, e.g. catch/ caught, see/saw, go/ went and to use the past tense consistently for narration;
Y3 T1 S4: to use verb tenses with increasing accuracy in speaking and writing e.g. catch/ caught, see/saw, go/ went etc. Use past tense consistently for narration. NC - KS2: En2: 1c: To read with fluency, accuracy and understanding, pupils should be taught to use [...] c) knowledge of grammatical structures.
Writing; knowledge about language; Level D:
Show that they know, understand and can use at least the following terms: tense...
Pen them in!

Using Carroll diagrams to sort different odd and even numbers.
NNS Y3: Handling data: organising and interpreting data. Using carroll diagrams.
Y3: Counting, properties of numbers and number sequences: Recognise odd and even numbers to at least 100; count on or back in tens.
NC - KS2: Ma2 2a: count on and back in tens...Ma4 2c represent and interpret data using graphs and diagrams.
Range and type of numbers
Level B: Work with whole numbers up to 100 (count, order, read/write)
Information Handling
Level D: Organise by using diagrams or tables.
Key Stage 1:
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- begin to organise their own work and work systematically
- understand mathematical language and be able to use it to talk about their work
- explain their way of working
- understand that the place of the digit indicates its value
Handling Data:
- sort and classify objects for one or two criteria and represent results using Venn, Carroll and Tree diagrams.
Photo fun

Ordering names of different Atlantean characters in an alphabetical list.
NLS Y2, T2, Text level 18 - to use alphabetically ordered texts, e.g. indexes, directories, listings, registers.
NC - KS1: Non fiction texts b) use dictionaries
Knowledge about Language: Level B & C: Understand and use a dictionary Key Stage 1:
- Recognising and noticing how words are constructed and spelled.
- Making use of picture dictionaries, personal word banks, dictionaries, lists of contents and indexes, information books and data on computer for reading and writing purposes.
- Experimenting with words e.g word games, riddles and rhymes.
- Making use of names and order of the letters of the alphabet.
Pick a Verb

Choose the appropriate verb tenses to complete the story.
NLS Y3, T1, S4: To use verb tenses with increasing accuracy in speaking and writing e.g catch/caught. Use past tense consistently for narration.
Y3, T2, S11: to understand to need for grammatical agreement in speech and writing e.g I am, we are.
NC - KS1: Language structure 7b: the nature and use of nouns, verbs and pronouns.
Writing: Knowledge about language: Level C: understand and use at least the following terms: noun, verb etc. Key Stage 1: Writing: Expected outcomes: structure sentences correctly
Pinboard pairs

Making synonym pairs in a game of pelmanism.
NLS Y2, T3, W10: to use synonyms and other alternative words/phrases that express same or similar meanings.
Y3, T1, W17: to generate synonyms for high frequency words.
NC- KS1 & 2: Pupils should be taught to use adventurous and wide-ranging vocabulary.
Reading; Knowledge about language; Level C:
Show that they know, understand and can use at least the following terms - thesaurus.
Key Stage 2:
- Discussing and interpreting the texts they have read.
- Discussing features of language and noting how words are constructed and spelled.
- Acquiring and growing a knowledge of phrases and words which can be recognised on sight. Writing
- Experimenting with rhymes, rhythms, verse structure and all kinds of verbal play and dialect.
- Writing creatively using imaginative vocabulary.
Play Your Cards Right!

Using probability to make guesses in a card game.
NNS: Handling data: Y5: Discuss the chance or likelihood of particular events
Y6: Use the language associated with probability to discuss events, including those with equally likely utcomes.
NC - KS2: Handling data: Processing, representing and interpreting data f) explore doubt and certainty and develop an understanding of probability through classroom situations; discuss events using a vocabulary that includes the words 'equally likely', 'fair', 'unfair', 'certain'
Information Handling: Associated strands: Working with probability:
Level C: Understand some events are impossible or certain and know that 0 and 1 are the limits of the probability scale.
Level D: Calculate the probability of mutually exclusive, equally likely events eg probability of an ace from a pack of cards.
Key Stage 2
- take increasing responsibility for selecting and using the materials and the mathematics required for their work
- develop a range of strategies for problem solving, looking for ways to overcome difficulties
- understand mathematical language and use it to discuss their work and explain their thinking
- compare their ideas and methods of working with others
- ask and respond to open ended questions and explain their thinking
Handling Data: Probability:
- become familiar with and use the language of probability
- understand possible outcomes of simple random events; understand that there is a degree of uncertainty about the outcome of certain events while others are certain or impossible
- place events in order of "likelihood"; understand and use the idea of "evens" and know whether events are more or less likely than this
Question time

Choose the correct question word to change a statement into a question - and put a question mark at the end.
NLS Y2, T3
S6: To turn statements into questions, learning a range of 'wh' words typically used to open questions: what, where, when, who and to add question marks.
NC English KS1
Punctuation 3c: to use capital letters, full stops, question marks and to begin to use commas.
Writing: Knowledge about language: Level C:
Comma and question mark will be first encountered by pupils in their reading but will now be discussed in their own writing.
KS2: Writing
G: Use connectives appropriately to discuss their writing.
Reel winner!

Exploring how words are formed from a root word, a prefix and a suffix.
NLS Y4, T3, word level 8: To practice extending and compounding words through adding parts e.g ful, ly, ive, tion, ic, ist. Revise and reinforce previous work on prefixes and suffixes.
Y6, T2, word level 2: To use independent spelling strategies including: building up spellings by syllabic parts, using known prefixes, suffixes and common letter strings.
NC - KS2 : Morphology g) the meaning, use and spelling of common prefixes and suffixes; i) the relevance of word families, roots and origins of words.
Level D: Spelling - Teaching about common prefixes, stems, suffixes for help with spelling. Key Stage 2:
- Discussing features of language and noting how words are spelled and constructed.
- Acquiring and growing a vocabulary of phrases and words which can be recognised on sight.
- Experimenting with rhymes, rhythms, verse structure and all kinds of verbal play and dialect.
- Developing increasing competence in the use of grammar and punctuation.
Rocket words

Identifying and classifying adverbs and grouping them by topic.
NLS Y4, T1, S4: To identify adverbs and understand their functions in sentences through collecting and classifying examples of adverbs, e.g for speed: swiftly, sluggishly, light: brilliantly, dimly
Y5, T1, W10: To use adverbs to qualify verbs in writing dialogue, e.g timidly, gruffly...
NC - KS2: Writing: Composition 1b) Pupils should be taught to broaden their vocabulary and use it in inventive ways.
Language structure 7a) Pupils should be taught word classes and the grammatical functions of words, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs...
Knowledge about Language: Level D: Adjective, adverb, pronoun and conjunction are further categories of words which will be used as pupils discuss... Key Stage 2: Reading
- Discussing features of language and noting how words are constructed and spelled.
Key Stage 2: Writing
- Experimenting with rhymes, rhythms, verse structure and all kinds of verbal play and dialect.
- Developing increasing competence in the use of grammar and punctuation
- Writing creatively using imaginative vocabulary.
Roots and Shoots

Labelling a plant.
QCA Scheme of Work: Unit 1B Growing plants: learning objectives:
- That plants have leaves, stems and flowers
NC: Green plants: to recognise and name the leaf, flower, stem and root of flowering plants.
The processes of life; Level B; identify the main parts of flowering plants. Key Stage 1:
My Environment: Pupils should investigate in an active way aspects of the following:
- The main parts of a flowering plant, including root, stem, leaf and flower.
Sandboarding (x6)

Sandboarding (x7)

Sandboarding (x8)

Sandboarding (x9)

Help Piska avoid the obstacles and sandboard over the correct answers to the sums in the 6, 7, 8 or 9 times table.
NNS: Y4: Calculations 58: Begin to know multiplication facts for 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables.
Y5: Calculations 59: Know by heart all multiplication facts up to 10 x 10.
Y6: Calculations 59: Consolidate knowing by heart multiplication facts up to 10 x 10.
NC: KS2: Ma2 Number: Calculations 3f: recall multiplication facts to 10x10.
Number, money and measurement; Multiply and divide; Level C: Multiply and divide mentally within the confines of all tables to 10. Key Stage 2: Number: Operations and Applications a: know the multiplication facts to 10 x 10
Save the seaweed

Fill in the gaps on the number line.
Numbers and the number system 14: Order numbers to at least 20, and position them on a number track.
Numbers and the number system 15: Order whole numbers to at least 100 and position them on a number line.
The number system c: Order a set of one-digit and two-digit numbers and position them on a number line.
Number, Money and Measurement: Level B: work with whole numbers up to 100. Key Stage 1
Processes: Mathematical Reasoning: recognise simple patterns and relationships and make predictions.
Number: Understanding Number and Number Notation: count, read, write and order whole numbers initially to 10, progressing to at least 1000
Seabed counting

Count objects on the seabed to 10 and to 20
Numbers and the number system; counting, properties of numbers and number sequences: Count reliably at least 20 objects.
Number: Numbers and the number system a) Count reliably up to 20 objects at first and recognise that if the objects are rearranged the number stays the same.
Number, money and measurement: Range and type of numbers: Level A:
Work with whole numbers 0 to 20 (count, order...)
Number: Understanding number and number notation a) count collections of objects and know that the size of a set is given by the last number in the count.
Seabed sorting

Help Delia Drip make patterns on the seabed. An extension to What Comes Next?
ELG: Talk about, recognise and recreate simple patterns.
NNS Y1: Organising and using data 90-93: Solve a given problem by sorting, classifying and organising information in simple ways, such as using objects or pictures.
NC KS1: Ma3 Shape, space and measures 1e: recognise simple spatial patterns and relationships and make predictions about them.
(3-5 Framework)
- recognise patterns, shapes and colours in the world around them.
- understand and use mathematical processes such as matching, sorting, grouping, counting and measuring.
- apply these processes in solving mathematical problems.
(5-14 Guidelines)
Patterns and Sequences: Level A: Copy, continue and describe simple patterns or sequences of objects of different shape or colour.
Foundation Stage:
Patterns & Relationships: continue a simple pattern.
Key Stage 1:
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
Patterns, Relationships & Sequences in Number: - copy, continue and devise repeating patterns
Seaside Sums

Completing simple addition and subtraction sums by choosing the correct function needed (+ or -).
NNS Y1, Calculations 24-29: Understand the operation of addition and subtraction. Begin to use the + and - symbols.
Y1, Rapid recall of addition and subtraction facts: Begin to know addition facts for all pairs of numbers with a total of up to at least 10, and the corresponding subtraction facts.
NC KS1: Number operations and the relationships between them a) understand addition and use related vocabulary; recognise that addition can be done in any order; understand that subtraction as both 'take away' and 'difference' and use the related vocabulary...
Add and subtract; Level A: Add and subtract mentally for numbers 0 to 10.
Functions and Equations: Level B: Find the missing numbers in statements where symbols are used for unknown numbers or operators.
Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- explain their way of working
- understand the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (without remainders) and use them to solve problems
- know addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
- understand the commutative property of addition and the relationship between addition and subtraction
- understand the use of a symbol for an unknown number
Seaweed Supreme

Using reading strategies and knowledge of spelling patterns to identify missing pieces of words.
NLS Y3, T1/2/3, S1: To use awareness of grammar to decipher new or unfamiliar words.
Y3, T1/2/3, W6: Spelling strategies - using visual strings e.g recognising common letter strings and checking critical features.
NC KS2: Writing: Spelling d) To use knowledge of common letter strings, visual patterns and analogies.
Spelling: Level B & C: Pupils should learn to spell words which they need to use frequently in their own writing... pupils should mark possible errors and check and correct spellings using wordbanks or dictionary. Key Stage 2: Reading
- Discussing features of language and noting how words are contructed and spelled.
Key Stage 2: Writing
- Experimenting with rhymes, rhythms, verse structure and all kinds of verbal play and dialect.
- Developing increasing competence in the use of grammar and punctuation
Seed Cycles

Understanding the plant growth cycle.
QCA Scheme of Work: Unit 5B Life Cycles: learning objectives:
- about the life cycle of flowering plants including pollination, fertilization, seed production, seed dispersal and germination.
NC: Green plants: that seeds grow into flowering plants and that plants need light and water to grow.
The processes of life; Level B; Recognise stages in the life cycles of familiar plants and animals.
Level D; Describe the main stages in flowering plant reproduction.
Key Stage 1:
My Environment: How plants grow and are influenced by seasonal change.
Key Stage 2:
The Way We Live: Plant and Animal Life:
- How a variety of seeds and bulbs grow and change in different seasons, the need for heat, light and water.
- Design and make a life cycle wheel of a food chain mobile.
Shoot a basket! (Level 1)

Practise half and quarter turns in a basketball game.
NNS: Y2: 87, 89: Recognise whole, half and quarter turns, to the left or right, clockwise or anti-clockwise.
NC KS1: Ma3 Shape, space and measures 3b: recognise movements in a straight line and rotations... 3c: recognise right angles.
5-14 Guidelines: Mathematics: Shape, position and movement: Level B: Discuss position and movement: - give and understand instructions for turning through right angles. Mathematics: Key Stage 1: Position, Movement and Direction: Pupils should have opportunities to... b) recognise, in practical situations, different types of movement, including... right and left turns and turning over, laying the foundation of the notion of the angle as a measure of turn; give and understand instructions for turning through right angles...
Shoot a basket (Level 2)

Recognising right angles and the four compass points
Shape and space 87-89: Recognise and use the four compass directions: N, S, E, W; Make and describe right angled turns, including turns between the four compass points.
Understanding properties of shape 2a: recognise right angles.
Shape, position and movement: Level B: Discuss position and movement: - give and understand instructions for turning through right angles; recognise and name the four compass points. Mathematics: KS2: Position, Movement and Direction: Pupils should have opportunities to...
a) understand the notion of angle in the context of turning; understand clockwise and anti-clockwise; know the eight points of the compass.
Shoot a basket (Level 3)

Recognise numbers of right angles and points around a compass.
Shape and space 108-110: Use the eight compass directions N, S, E, W, NW, NW, SE, SW; Make and measure clockwise and anti-clockwise turns: for example from SW to N; Begin to know that angles are measured in degrees and that one whole turn is 360 degrees or 4 right angles.
Understanding measures 4c: recognise angles as greater or less than a right angle or half turn.
Shape, position and movement: Level B:
Discuss position and movement: - give and understand instructions for turning through right angles; recognise and name the four compass points.
Angles: Use a template to draw or check for a right angle.
Mathematics: KS2: Position, Movement and Direction: Pupils should have opportunities to...
a) understand the notion of angle in the context of turning; understand clockwise and anti-clockwise; know the eight points of the compass.
Shoot a basket (Level 4)

Measure the angles to score a basket.
Shape and space 111: Understand and use angle measure in degrees; Identify, estimate and order acute and obtuse angles.
Understanding measures 4c) Recognise angles as greater or less than a right angle or half turn, estimate their size and order them.
Shape, position and movement: Level C:
Angles: Know that a right angle is 90 degrees; use "right, acute and obtuse" to describe angles; know that a straight angle is 180 degrees.
Mathematics: KS2: Position, Movement and Direction: Pupils should have opportunities to...
a) understand the notion of angle in the context of turning; understand clockwise and anti-clockwise; know the eight points of the compass.
c) recognise properties of acute, obtuse and reflex angles.
Shoot a basket (Level 5)

Estimate and measure the angles to shoot a basket
Shape and space 111: Recognise and estimate angles; Use a protractor to measure and draw acute and obtuse angles to the nearest degree.
Understanding measures 4c: Recognise angles as greater or less than a right angle or half turn, estimate their size and order them; measure and draw acute, obtuse and right angles to the nearest degree.
Shape, position and movement: Level C:
Angles: Know that a right angle is 90 degrees; use "right, acute and obtuse" to describe angles; know that a straight angle is 180 degrees.
Level D: draw, copy and measure angles accurately within 5 degrees.
Mathematics: KS2: Position, Movement and Direction: Pupils should have opportunities to...
a) understand the notion of angle in the context of turning; understand clockwise and anti-clockwise; know the eight points of the compass.
c) recognise properties of acute, obtuse and reflex angles.
Sidney's diary

Help to complete Sidney's diary by filling in the correct time words (later, first, then, after, while etc)
NLS Y3, T3
S6: To investigate through reading and writing how words can signal time sequences e.g first, then, after, meanwhile, from, where.
NC English KS2
Language structure d: the purposes and organisational features of paragraphs, and how ideas can be linked.
Writing: Imaginative writing: Level C:
Write a brief, imaginative story, poem or play, using appropriate organisation and vocabulary.
KS2: Writing
G: Use connectives appropriately to discuss their writing.
Snap spinner

Identifying and matching pairs of pictures.
NNS Reception: Sort and match objects. (3-5 Framework)
- understand and use mathematical processes such as matching, sorting, grouping, counting and measuring.
- apply these processes in solving mathematical problems.
(5-14 Guidelines)
Level A: Organise by sorting into specific sets (shape, colour, texture)
Foundation Stage:
Patterns & Relationships: match objects in real contexts
Solar System

Exploring how often the Earth moves around the sun, and the moon turns around the Earth, using a simulation.
QCA Scheme of Work: Unit 5E Earth, Sun and Moon: learning objectives:
- that it is the Earth that moves, not the Sun, and the Earth spins on its axis once every 24 hours
- that it is daytime in the part of the Earth facing the Sun and night-time in the part of the Earth away from the Sun
(note that secondary sources displaying a model of this process, exactly as this game does, are explicitly suggested in the Teaching activities section for the above two learning objectives).
- that the Earth takes a year to make one complete orbit of the Sun, spinning as it goes
- that the Moon takes approximately 28 days to orbit the Earth
- that the different appearance of the Moon over 28 days provides evidence for a 28-day cycle
The Earth and beyond; the sun, the earth, the moon (how they affect each other... [etc..])
Level B: Earth in Space: describe how day and night are related to the spin of the Earth.
Level C: Earth in Space: describe the solar system in terms of Earth, Sun and planets.
Level E: Earth in Space: explain day, month and year in terms of the relative motion of the sun, the Earth and the moon.
Sort the potions

Ordering names of imaginary potions in an alphabetical list.
NLS Y3, T2, W23: To organise words or information alphabetically, using the first two letters.
NC KS1 - Non fiction texts b) Using dictionaries.
Knowledge about Language: Level B & C: Understand and use a dictionary. Key Stage 1:
- Recognising and noticing how words are constructed and spelled.
- Making use of picture dictionaries, personal word banks, dictionaries, lists of contents and indexes, information books and data on computer for reading and writing purposes.
- Experimenting with words, e.g word games, riddles and rhymes.
- Making use of names and order of the letters of the alphabet.
Sort the shapes

Sort a range of 2D and 3D shapes into two columns.
Use the mathematical names for common 3-D and 2-D shapes... sort the shapes and describe some of their features.
Ma 3 Shape, space and measures 2a: Pupils should be taught to describe properties of shapes that they can see or visualise using the related vocabulary; b: observe, handle and describe common 2-D and 3-D shapes...
Shape, position and movement: Range of shapes: Level A & B:
Collect, discuss make and use 3D and 2D shapes.
Mathematics: KS1
Exploration of shape a: Pupils should have opportunities to sort 2D and 3D shapes in different ways, giving reasons for each method of sorting.
Sparklantis shopping (level 1)

Go shopping in Sparklantis and practise your skills with money.
NNS Y1: Problems involving 'real life', money or measures: 66-71: Use mental strategies to solve simple problems set in 'real life', money or measurement contexts, using counting, addition, subtraction [...]; Recognise coins of different values. Find totals and change from up to 20p. Work out how to pay and exact sum using smaller coins.
NC Maths: KS1: Ma2: Calculations: 4a) choose sensible calculation methods to solve whole-number problems (including problems involving money or measures)...
Number, money and measurement: Money: Level A: Use, 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p coins to buy things. Key Stage 1
Processes: Using Mathematics: - select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task;
Number: Money: recognise coins and use them in simple contexts; add and subtract money up to £10
Sparklantis shopping (level 2)

Go shopping in Sparklantis and practise your skills with money.
NNS Y2: Problems involving 'real life', money or measures: 66-71: Use mental addition and subtraction, simple multiplication and division, to solve simple word problems involving numbers in 'real life', money or measures, using one or two steps. Explain how the problem was solved. Recognise all coins and begin to use £.p notation for money (for example, know that £4.65 indicates £4 and 65p). Find totals, give change, and work out which coins to pay.
NC Maths: KS1: Calculations: 4a) choose sensible calculation methods to solve whole-number problems (including problems involving money or measures)...
Number, money and measurement: Money: Level B: Use coins up to £1 including exchange. Key Stage 1
Processes: Using Mathematics: - select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task;
Number: Money: recognise coins and use them in simple contexts; add and subtract money up to £10
Sparklantis shopping (level 3)

Go shopping in Sparklantis and practise your skills with money.
NNS Y3: Problems involving 'real life', money or measures: 66-71: Solve word problems involving numbers in 'real life', money or measures, using one or more steps, including finding totals and giving change, and working out which coins to pay. Explain how the problem was solved. Recognise all coins and notes. Understand and use £.p notation for money (for example, know that £3.06 is £3 and 6p).
NC: Maths: KS1: Calculations: 4a) choose sensible calculation methods to solve whole-number problems (including problems involving money or measures)...
Number, money and measurement: Money: Level B: Use coins up to £1 including exchange. Number, money and measurement: Money: Level C: Use coins/notes to £5 worth or more, including exchange. Key Stage 1
Processes: Using Mathematics: - select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task;
Number: Money: recognise coins and use them in simple contexts; add and subtract money up to £10
Spin to Win!

Exploring how different words can be made using roots and suffixes.
NLS Y3, T2, word level 13: to recognise and spell common suffixes and how these influence word meanings, e.g -ly, -ful, -less.
Y4, T2, word level 13: a range of suffixes that can be added to nouns and verbs to make adjectives e.g wash...able, hope...ful, child...like, road...worthy.
NC KS2 - Morphology g) the meaning, use and spelling of common prefixes and suffixes.
Writing; spelling; Level C:
Spell less frequently used words with increasing confidence and accuracy.
Key Stage 2:
- Discussing features of language and noting how words are spelled and constructed.
- Acquiring and growing a vocabulary of phrases and words which can be recognised on sight.
- Experimenting with rhymes, rhythms, verse structure and all kinds of verbal play and dialect. - Developing increasing competence in the use of grammar and punctuation.
Spot the Syllables

Identifying, by reading and listening, the number of syllables (1, 2 or 3) in everyday words.
NLS Y2, T2, W5: to discriminate, orally, syllables in multi-syllabic words using words from children's reading.
NC KS1: Reading: Phonemic awareness and p honic knowledge d) identify syllables in words.
Writing; spelling; Level B:
Spell frequently used words accurately through using a simple wordbank or dictionary.
Foundation Stage: Talking and Listening: Developing an Awareness of Sounds:
- Become aware of the rhythm of words.
- Begin to break down 2/3 syllable words.
Key Stage 1: Reading
- Recognising and noticing how words are constructed and spelled.
- Building up a sight vocabulary.
Steer the Sub (addition 1-10)

Practise addition sums with totals up to 10 by steering a submarine through the right answers.
NNS Y2: Calculations 30-31; Rapid recall of addition and subtraction facts; Know by heart all addition and subtraction facts for each number to at least 10.
NC KS1: Mental Methods c) Develop rapid recall of number facts: Know addition and subtraction facts to 10.
Number, money and measurement; Add and subtract; Level A:
Add and subtract mentally for numbers 0 to 10.
Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for the task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- explain their way of working
- understand the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (without remainders) and use them to solve problems
- know addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
Steer the Sub (addition 1-20)

Practise addition sums for totals of 0 to 20 by steering a submarine through the right answers.
NNS Y2: Rapid recall of addition and subtraction facts; know by heart all pairs of numbers with a total of 20. Y3: Know by heart all addition and subtraction facts for each number to 20.
NC KS1: Mental Methods c) Know addition and subtraction facts to 10 and use these to derive facts with totals to 20.
KS2: Mental methods d) Recall all addition and subtraction facts for each number to 20.
Add and subtract; Level B: Add and subtract mentally for numbers 0 to 20 Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for the task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- explain their way of working
- understand the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (without remainders) and use them to solve problems
- know addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
Steer the Sub (subtraction 1-10)

Practise subtraction sums for numbers 1-10 by steering a submarine through the answers.
NNS Y2: 30-31 Rapid recall of addition and subtraction facts; Know by heart all addition and subtraction facts for each number to at least 10.
NC KS1: Mental Methods c) Develop rapid recall of number facts: know addition and subtraction facts to 10.
Add and subtract; Level A: Add and subtract mentally for numbers 0 to 10. Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for the task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- explain their way of working
- understand the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (without remainders) and use them to solve problems
- know addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
Steer the Sub (subtraction 1-20)

Practise subtraction sums with totals 0 to 20 by steering a submarine through the right answers.
NNS Y2: 30-31 Rapid recall of addition and subtraction facts; know by heart all pairs of numbers with a total of 20. Y3: Know by heart all addition and subtraction facts for each number to 20
NC KS1: Mental methods c) know addition and subtraction facts to 10 and use these to derive facts with totals to 20.
KS2: Mental methods c) recall all addition and subtraction facts for each number to 20.
Add and subtract; Level B: Add and subtract mentally for numbers 0 to 20. Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for the task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- explain their way of working
- understand the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (without remainders) and use them to solve problems
- know addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
Steer the Sub! (x2)

Steer the Sub! (x10)

Practising the 2 or 10 times table by steering a submarine through the right answers.
NNS Y2: Rapid recall of multiplication facts 53: Know by heart multiplication facts for the 2 and 10 times-tables.
NC - KS1: Mental methods c) Know multiplication facts for the 2 and 10 times-tables.
Level B: Multiply mentally by 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 Level C: Multiply mentally within the confines of all tables up to 10 Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for the task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- begin to organise their own work and work systematically
- understand mathematical language and be able to use it to talk about their work
- explain their way of working
- know addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
Key Stage 2
- plan and organise their work, learning to work systematically
- develop a range of strategies for problem solving, looking for ways to overcome difficulties
- develop strategies to add and subtract mentally; know the multiplication facts up to 10 x 10.
Steer the Sub! (x3)

Steer the Sub! (x4)

Practising the 3 or 4 times tables by steering a submarine through the right answers.
NNS: Rapid recall of multiplication facts
Y3: Begin to know the 3 and 4 times-tables.
Y4: Know by heart: multiplication facts for 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times-tables.
NC - KS2: Mental methods f): Recall multiplication facts to 10x10.
Level B: Multiply mentally by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10. Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for the task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- begin to organise their own work and work systematically
- understand mathematical language and be able to use it to talk about their work
- explain their way of working
- know addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
Key Stage 2
- plan and organise their work, learning to work systematically
- develop a range of strategies for problem solving, looking for ways to overcome difficulties
- develop strategies to add and subtract mentally; know the multiplication facts up to 10 x 10.
Steer the Sub! (x5)

Practising times tables by steering a submarine through the right answers.
NNS - Y2: Rapid recall of multiplication facts 53: Begin to know multiplication facts for the 5 times tables; Y3: Know by heart multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
NC - KS2: Calculations 3f: recall multiplication facts to 10 x 10.
Level B: Multiply mentally by 2, 3, 4, 5, 10
Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for the task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- begin to organise their own work and work systematically
- understand mathematical language and be able to use it to talk about their work
- explain their way of working
- know addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
Key Stage 2
- plan and organise their work, learning to work systematically
- develop a range of strategies for problem solving, looking for ways to overcome difficulties
- develop strategies to add and subtract mentally; know the multiplication facts up to 10 x 10.
Steer the Sub! (x6)

Steer the Sub! (x7)

Steer the Sub! (x8)

Steer the Sub! (x9)

Practising the 6, 7, 8 amd 9 times table by steering a submarine through the right answers.
NNS: Rapid recall of multiplication facts
Y4: Begin to know: multiplication facts for 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables
Y5: Know by heart all multiplication facts up to 10 x 10.
NC - KS2: Mental methods f): Recall multiplication facts to 10x10.
Level C: Multiply mentally within the confines of all tables up to 10. Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for the task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- begin to organise their own work and work systematically
- understand mathematical language and be able to use it to talk about their work
- explain their way of working
- know addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
Key Stage 2
- plan and organise their work, learning to work systematically
- develop a range of strategies for problem solving, looking for ways to overcome difficulties
- develop strategies to add and subtract mentally; know the multiplication facts up to 10 x 10.
Sub voyager

Steer your submarine and answer division sums as you go.
Rapid recall of multiplication and division facts 52-53: Know by heart multiplication facts for the 2 and 10 times tables; begin to know multiplication facts for the 5 times table.
Know by heart multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Recognise that division is the inverse of multiplication.
NC KS1 Maths:
Know multiplication facts for the x2 and x10 multiplication tables.
Level C: Multiply mentally within the confines of all tables up to 10. Key Stage 1
Number: know addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
Key Stage 2
Number: develop strategies to add and subtract mentally; know the multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
Sunflower simulation

A simple simulation of a sunflower growing, allowing the user to adjust parameters including light, water and heat.
QCA scheme of work - Science Unit 3B: Helping plants grow well.
NC KS2: Sc2 Life processes and living things: Green plants: 3a: the effect of light, air, water and temperature on plant growth.
Environmental studies; Society, science and technology; The processes of life; Level C
Name the life processes common to humans and other animals.

Recognising the number of syllables (1, 2 or 3) in everyday words.
NLS Y2, T2, W5: to discriminate, orally, syllables in multi-syllable words using words from children's reading.
NC KS1: Reading: Phonemic awareness and phonic knowledge d) identify syllables in words.
Writing; spelling; Level B:
Spell frequently used words accurately through using a simple wordbank or dictionary.
Foundation Stage: Talking and Listening: Developing an Awareness of Sounds:
- Become aware of the rhythm of words.
- Begin to break down 2/3 syllable words.
Key Stage 1: Reading
- Recognising and noticing how words are constructed and spelled.
- Building up a sight vocabulary.
Synonym pairs

Playing a game of pelmanism to make pairs of synonym words.
NLS Y4, T2, W9: to use alternative words and expressions which are more accurate and interesting than the common choices.
Y5, T1, W7: to explain the differences between synonyms e.g angry, irritated, frustrated.
NC KS2 - Pupils should be taught to broaden their vocabulary and use it in inventive ways.
Reading; Knowledge about language; Level C:
Show that they know, understand and can use at least the following terms - thesaurus.
Key Stage 2:
- Disussing and interpreting the texts they have read.
- Discussing features of language and noting how words are constructed and spelled.
- Acquiring and growing a knowledge of phrases and words which can be recognised on sight.
- Experimenting with rhymes, rhythms, verse structure and all kinds of verbal play and dialect.
- Writing creatively using imaginative vocabulary.
The Wise Wizard

Distinguishing animals from each other using a 'branching database' set of questions.
QCA scheme of work: unit 2c: Variation: identify ways in which animals are like each other... NCKS1: Humans and other animals 2a) Pupils should be taught to recognise and compare the main external parts of the bodies of humans and other animals. Variation and classification 4b) Pupils should be taught to: group living things according to observable similarities and differences. Variety and characteristic features; Level A: sort living things into broad groups according to easily observable characteristics.
The processes of life; Level A: Name and identify the main external parts of the bodies of humans and other animals.
Foundation Stage:
- Investigating: Sorting and Classifying: Children should have opportunities to talk about similarities and differences in e.g animals and plants.
Key Stage 1:
My Environment: Pupils should investigate in an active way aspects of the following: animals and their young, their habitat and how they are affected by seasonal change.
Time trouble!

Practising changing the time on a digital clock with reference to an analogue clock.
NNS Measures, shape and space: Y2: Read the time to the hour, half hour or quarter hour on an analogue clock and a 12-hour digital clock and understand the notation 7:30.
Y3: Read the time to 5 minutes on an analogue clock and a 12-hour digital clock, and use the notation 9:40.
NC Understanding measures d) Read the time from analogue and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks; use of time - seconds, minutes, hours... and know the relationship between them.
Time: Level A: Tell the time in whole hours using digital and analogue displays.
Level b: Read time in hours and minutes using digital displays.
Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- understand mathematie it to discuss their work and explain their thinking
- recognise times on the analogue and digital clocks and understand the relationship between the 12 and 24 hour clocks
TV time

Practising how apostrophes are used, and how words change when they are contracted, to make speech more natural.
NLS Y3, T2, word level 15: To use the apostrophe to spell shortened forms of words e.g don't, can't.
NC KS2: Punctuation 3. Pupils should be taught to use punctuation marks correctly in their writing, including... apostrophes to mark possession and omission.
Writing: Punctuation and Structure: Level C: Use correct puncutuation in sentences.
Spelling: Level C: Pupils should learn to spell words they need to use frequently in their own writing.
Key Stage 2:
- Discussing and interpreting the texts they have read.
- Discussing features of language and noting how words are constructed and spelled.
- Experimenting with rhymes, rhythms, verse structure and all kinds of verbal play and dialect.
- Developing increasing competence in the use of grammar and punctuation.
- Acquiring and growing a vocabulary of phrases and words which can be recognised on sight.
Wake up wizard!

Ordering items of clothing in the order you put them on.
NNS Reception: Sort and match objects, pictures or themselves.
Y1: Organising and using data 90-93: solve a given problem by sorting, classifying and organising information in simple ways, such as using objects or pictures.
NC Ma3 Shape, space and measures 1e: recognise simple spatial patterns and relationships and make predictions about them
Level A: Measure in convenient non-standard units; place pairs of objects in order. Foundation Stage
- Sorting: sort random collections of natural, scrap and commercial materials in a range of ways and talk about the sorting.
- Number: develop an understanding of ordinal numbers through practical activities.
- Patterns & Relationships: Match objects in real contexts.
What comes next?

Help the Yaboos by sorting out the things they find there. This exercise is aimed to teach early years children about patterns and sequencing.
ELG: Talk about, recognise and recreate simple patterns.
NNS Y1: Organising and using data 90-93: Solve a given problem by sorting, classifying and organising information in simple ways, such as using objects or pictures.
NC KS1: Ma3 Shape, space and measures 1e: recognise simple spatial patterns and relationships and make predictions about them.
(3-5 Framework)
- recognise patterns, shapes and colours in the world around them.
- understand and use mathematical processes such as matching, sorting, grouping, counting and measuring.
- apply these processes in solving mathematical problems.
(5-14 Guidelines)
Patterns and Sequences: Level A: Copy, continue and describe simple patterns or sequences of objects of different shape or colour.
Foundation Stage:
Patterns & Relationships: continue a simple pattern.
Key Stage 1:
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
Patterns, Relationships & Sequences in Number:
- copy, continue and devise repeating patterns
What's the time?

Telling the time using both analogue and digital clock faces.
NNS Measures, shape and space 79: Y2: Read the time to the hour, half hour or quarter hour on an analogue clock and a digital clock and understand the notation 7:30.
Y3: Read the time to 5 minutes on an analogue clock and a 12-hour digital clock, and use the notation 9:40.
NC KS1: Understanding Measures b) understand angle as a measure of turn using whole turnsx, half-turns and quarter-turns
KS2: Understanding Measures d) Read the time from analogue and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks; use units of time - seconds, minutes, hours... and know the relationship between them.
Time: Level A: Work with Time - Tell the time in whole hours using a digital and analogue displays.
Level B: Work with Time - Tell time using analogue and digital displays and understand the terms quarter past/to, half past.
Key Stage 1
- select the materials and mathematics appropriate for a task
- develop different approaches to problem solving
- understand mathematical language and be able to use it to talk about their work
- explain their way of working
- recognise times on the analogue clocks and digital displays
Key Stage 2
- take increasing responsibility for selecting and using the materials and the mathematics required for their work
- understand mathematical language and use it to discuss their work and explain their thinking
- recognise times on the analogue and digital clocks and understand the relationship between the 12 and 24 hour clocks
Word order challenge (Level 1)

This activity is the first of five levels which practise word order in sentences. At this level, arrange the words to make a simple sentence.
NLS Y4, T2:
S4: to understand the significance of word order - e.g some re-orderings destroy meaning.
Reading 1c: Knowledge of grammatical structures.
Writing; Knowledge about language; Level C
Show that they know, understand and can use at least the following terms: noun, verb, comma...
Key Stage 1: Writing:
- Structure sentences correctly.
Word order challenge (Level 2)

Word order challenge (Level 3)

Word order challenge (Level 4)

This activity is the second of five levels which explore word order in sentences. In this activity, arrange sets of words into two different orders and think about how the meaning changes.
NLS: Y4 T2 S3: To understand the significance of word order e.g some re-orderings destroy meaning; some make sense but change meaning; sentences can be reordered to retain meaning.
Y5, T1, S1: to investigate word order by examining how far the order of words in sentences can be changed, which words or groups of words can be moved into a different order.
NC: KS2: Writing: Language structure a: word classes and the grammatical functions of words, including nouns, verbs, adjectives etc. Language structure c: The grammar of complex sentences, including clauses, phrases and connectives
Writing; Knowledge about language: Level D:
Adjective, adverb, pronoun and conjunction are further categories of words which will be used.
Writing: Observe the conventions of writing, punctuation including grammar and syntax.
Word order challenge (Level 5)

This is the last of five levels. In this activity, order sentences in three different ways and explore how the meaning changes.
NLS Y6, T1, S1:
To form complex sentences through exploring how meaning is affected by the sequence and structure of clauses.
NC: KS2: Writing: Language structure a: word classes and the grammatical functions of words, including nouns, verbs, adjectives etc. Language structure c: The grammar of complex sentences, including clauses, phrases and connectives
Writing; Knowledge about language: Level D:
Adjective, adverb, pronoun and conjunction are further categories of words which will be used.
Word spinner

Matching pictures of everyday objects with their corresponding words.
ELG Begin to recognise some familiar words.
NLS Reception, W5: To read on sight a range of high frequency words.
Y1, T1: word level 7: to read on sight high frequency words.
NC KS1: Word recognition and graphic knowledge f) Read on sight high-frequency words and other familiar words.
(3-5 Framework)
- Recognise the link between the written and spoken word.
- Develop an awareness of letter names and sounds in the context of play experiences.
- Recognise some familiar words and letters, for example the initial letter in their name.
(5-14 Guidelines)
Level A: Spelling: Pupils should be given an interest in words, how they sound, how they are made, and the patterns within them.
Foundation Stage: Early Reading:
- Looking and Remembering: Children should have opportunities to take part in visual discrimination activities to distinguish things that are the same/different.
Key Stage 1: Reading
Building up a sight vocabulary.
Xybok Racing

A fast pace racing game for one to four players practising multiplication tables.
NNS: rapid recall of multiplication facts.
Y4: Know by heart multiplication facts for 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables. Begin to know 6, 7, 8, 9.
Y5 & 6: Know by heart all multiplication facts up to 10 x 10.
NC - KS2: Mental methods f) Recall multiplication facts for 10 x10.
Level C: Multiply mentally within the confines of all tables up to 10. Key Stage 1
Number: know addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and the majority of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
Key Stage 2
Number: develop strategies to add and subtract mentally; know the multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
You're the Editor (1)

You're the Editor (2)

You're the Editor (3)

Exploring how narratives can be made more interesting by replacing 'said' with alternative synonyms.
NLS Y3: T1, W19 - Common vocabulary for introducing and concluding dialogue, e.g. said, replied, asked. T3, W13: to collect synonyms which will be useful in writing dialogue, e.g shouted, cried, yelled, squealed, exploring the effects on meaning, e.g through substituting these synonyms in sentences.
NC KS2 - Composition b) Pupils should be taught to broaden their vocabulary and use it in inventive ways.
Imaginative writing: Level C: Use appropriate vocabulary in imaginative writing. Key Stage 2: Reading
- Discussing and interpreting the texts they have read.
- Discussing features of language and noting how words are constructed and spelled.
- Discussing texts, exploring the ways in which word meanings can be manipulated in order to persuade or amuse the reader or engage attention.
Key Stage 2: Writing
- Experimenting with rhymes, rhythms, verse structure and all kinds of verbal play and dialect.
- Developing increasing competence in the use of grammar and punctuation
- Appreciating some of the differences between spoken and written language.
You're the Editor (went)

Exploring how narratives can be made more interesting by replacing 'went' with alternative synonyms.
NLS Y3 T1 S3: the function of verbs in sentences through: [...] experimenting with changing simple verbs in sentences and discussing their impact on meaning.
NC KS2 - composition b) Pupils should be taught to broaden their vocabulary and use it in inventive ways.
Zap the Jellyfish (Level 1, type)

Zap the jellyfish by typing the correct number on the number line to save Sidney the Shark's breakfast.
NNS: Y1: 15: Order numbers to at least 20, and position them on a number track.
NC KS1; Ma2 Number; Numbers and the number system 2c) [...] order a set of one and two-digit numbers and position them on a number line...
Number, Money and Measurement: Level A: work with whole numbers 0 to 20. Key Stage 1
Processes: Mathematical Reasoning: recognise simple patterns and relationships and make predictions.
Number: Understanding Number and Number Notation: count, read, write and order whole numbers initially to 10, progressing to at least 1000;
Zap the Jellyfish (Level 2, type)

Zap the jellyfish by typing the correct number on the number track to save Sidney the Shark's breakfast.
NNS Year 1, 14: Order numbers to at least 20, and position them on a number track.
NC KS1; Ma2 Number; Numbers and the number system 2c) [...] order a set of one and two-digit numbers and position them on a number line and hundred-square.
Number, Money and Measurement: Level A: Work with whole numbers 0 to 20 Key Stage 1
Processes: Mathematical Reasoning: recognise simple patterns and relationships and make predictions.
Number: Understanding Number and Number Notation: count, read, write and order whole numbers initially to 10, progressing to at least 1000;
Zap the Jellyfish (Level 3, type)

Zap the jellyfish by typing the correct number on the number line to save Sidney the Shark's breakfast.
NNS: Y2: 15: Order whole numbers to at least 100, and position them on a number line...
Y3: 15: Order whole numbers to at least 1000, and position them on a number line...
NC KS1; Ma2 Number; Numbers and the number system 2c) [...] order a set of one and two-digit numbers and position them on a number line and hundred-square.
Number, Money and Measurement: Level B: work with whole numbers up to 100. Key Stage 1
Processes: Mathematical Reasoning: recognise simple patterns and relationships and make predictions.
Number: Understanding Number and Number Notation: count, read, write and order whole numbers initially to 10, progressing to at least 1000